Mark 7T Chipping Spreader

Mark 7T Chipping Spreader

Maximum spreading width 4.2 metres, fully variable width. Closed width 2.75 metres. Suitable for use in tropical countries.

Model HG Chipping Spreader

Model HG Chipping Spreader

Hopper gritter. 3.8 metre spreading width. Can maintain rate of spread irrespective of truck speed.

Model TBC5H Chipping Spreader

Model TBC5H Chipping Spreader

2.5 metre spreading width (can be increased to 3.0 metres with optional equipment). Can maintain rate of spread irrespective of truck speed. Driven hydraulically by truck. Manufactured to comply with current EU regulations (CE marked).

Model TBC5T Chipping Spreader

Model TBC5T Chipping Spreader

2.5 metre spreading width (can be increased to 3.0 metres with optional equipment). Driven by jockey wheel. Can maintain rate of spread irrespective of truck speed